Friday, December 3, 2010

NaNoWriMo Progress Report - Nope, no progress.

So I didn't win. Again. Two year streak. And yet, I am not upset. It is OK. I got a good start on a story, and didn't lose any sleep or family time. So, not a problem.

As I was debating whether to even try this year, one thing kept popping into my head: Do I really need NaNo anymore?

I can write, when I want. The reason I don't is because it is so dang easy to find excuses not to. And I am good at excuses. Trust me on this one.

Meanwhile, I wrote two pieces for the Press and began my new job as the Social Media Wrangler, which means I get to update the Facebook page. Also, I started a Twitter page for the Press (Follow us at @pikerpress) as well. Once I figure out what that means I will be working that pretty regular as well.

Along with work, kids, church, kids, wife, kids, and kids, I stayed pretty busy.

So, not a failure - a decision. A good one too, if I do say so.

Happy NaNoEdMo!