Thanks for your consideration.
What is my view of America? I view America as a father, grateful that I can raise my kids here where the definition of “poor” would be called “wealthy” in other nations. I view America as a Veteran who has seen what the world looks like outside America, and was never more happy than when my boots hit the ground of my homeland once again. I view America as an American – independent, hard-working, and responsible, demanding nothing more than an honest wage for what I have earned, and the right to use my earnings as I see fit, yet still giving happily of my earnings to those who are less fortunate. I view America as an outdoorsman who enjoys learning and practicing skills that, due to the beneficence of this great Nation, are no longer essential to my survival or that of my family. I view America as an heir of the millions of men and women who have, literally or symbolically pledged their “lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor” to found, build, govern, and protect this Nation.
I view America as my home, and the greatest nation on Earth. And for that view, I am eternally grateful.
© 2012 Tyler Willson. All rights reserved