I got a story published! It's a non-paying gig, for a free online e-zine called The Piker Press but it is an actual, real gig!It is a story titled: The Prisoner. It was originally a short story that I wrote in Junior High. Then when I discovered NaNoWriMo I took it as an idea for my novel. I was able to stretch it out to over fifty thousand words, but not without losing the real heart of the story and adding a whole lot of dirty wordcount tricks! Then, when a good friend suggested I submit something to the Piker Press a few weeks ago, I decided to get it out and dust it off a bit. I chopped at it mercilessly, down to novella size and submitted it.And they liked it! They really liked it!So it will be published as a serial for the next few weeks, each new edition of the Press comes out on Monday. So if you like my stuff, here is a chance to see my first real published story!
Monday November 17, 2008 - 05:46pm (EST)